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- Robotic Systems
Robotic Systems
- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Engineering Sciences
ON 1 Collect, process, analyze and systematize scientific and technical information, conduct patent searches on robotic research, use the achievements of domestic and foreign science, technology and technology in the direction of professional activity "robotic systems".
ON 2 Participate in the development of functional and structural schemes of robots and robotic systems, to carry out design calculations and feasibility studies of designs of robotic systems in accordance with the terms of reference;
ON 3 Design and construct parts and assemblies of robots and robotic systems using computer-aided design tools, select methods and tools for modeling robots and robotic systems;
ON 4 Possess modern information technologies, apply modern and software design tools in the design and management of robotic systems and their individual modules;
ON 5 Develop experimental models of control, information and Executive modules of robots and robotic systems and conduct their research using modern information technology;
ON 6 Use existing software packages and develop new software required for information processing and control in robotic systems;
ON 7 Develop methods of experiments and conduct experiments on existing models and samples of robotic systems and process the results with the use of modern information technology and technical means;
ON 8 Implement in practice the results of research and development carried out individually and as part of a group of performers, to ensure the protection of intellectual property rights.
ON 9 Carry out independent scientific research in the field of methods of teaching special disciplines in robotic systems, to demonstrate knowledge of modern methods of pedagogy of higher education and psychology of management and apply them in teaching;
ON 10 Make analytical reviews and scientific and technical reports on the results of the work performed, to prepare scientific publications on the results of research and development, to present the results and conclusions in a reasoned scientific presentation or defense.
ON 11 Teach special disciplines on robotic systems in higher and secondary educational institutions.
ON 12 Work as part of a team on innovative scientific and educational projects, to make responsible decisions in the framework of professional activity, to search for non-standard solutions, to possess the skills of strategic thinking in the field of social communication management.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years