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- Master degree program
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- Mechanics and Energy
Mechanics and Energy
- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Natural Sciences
After completion of this program, it is expected that undergraduates will be able to:
1. ON1 understand and evaluate the role of science in the development of society, describe current problems of mechanics, the main trends and current trends in the development of mechanics as a science;
2. ON2 formulate and solve modern practical problems of mechanics and power engineering, determining and assessing the practical significance of the problem being solved;
3. ON3 apply computer simulations for solving energy systems problems with the subsequent processing of the results and presenting a quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the processes occurring in studied problems;
4. ON4 apply numerical simulation to solve engineering problems, based on the fundamental laws of mechanics and thermodynamics and advanced numerical methods;
5. ON5 apply analytical, qualitative and numerical methods for solving applied problems of energy systems;
6. ON6 analyze and apply analytical and numerical methods used to study compressible flows;
7. ON7 analyze and apply analytical and numerical methods used to study multiphase flow including in porous media;
8. ON8 analyze and apply numerical methods and software to study reactive processes in energy systems;
9. ON9 plan and conduct research activities on the chosen scientific topic, starting with the competent formulation of the problem, determining the appropriate mathematical model, making a reasonable choice of methods for solving and completing with the interpretation of the results obtained and developing recommendations for solving the problem;
10. ON10 evaluate the interdisciplinarity of studied problems, explain the research results and the proposed recommendations to specialists and non-specialists, as well as reasonably defend their point of view, critically and benevolently assessing the opinions of the listeners;
11. ON11 demonstrate the ability of self-study and successful work in a team, identify and analyze further ways of professional development, assessing the limitations and requirements of society;
12. ON12 to carry out the teaching of special disciplines in universities and colleges, creatively applying the knowledge of pedagogy and psychology of higher education in pedagogical activity.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years