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- IT Аrchival Studies and Documentation
IT Аrchival Studies and Documentation
- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Social Sciences
ON1 To model work projects and business schemes for the creation of an electronic archive at the enterprise and to offer software products and technological solutions for the DSM and archival business.
ON2 Work with modern means of digitizing archival materials using techniques for selecting technical means for scanning, recognizing texts of archival documents and preparing them for publication.
ON3 Organize an electronic archive of an enterprise (institution) on the basis of the current regulatory, legal, methodological base, basic procedures, and technology for converting documents into electronic format, optimal solutions for ensuring the safety of documents in electronic databases and the use of cloud servers in archiving. Organize an electronic archive of an enterprise (institution) on the basis of the current regulatory, legal, methodological base, basic procedures, and technology for converting documents into electronic format, optimal solutions for ensuring the safety of documents in electronic databases and the use of cloud servers in archiving.
ON4 Create document management systems based on international and national standards, norms, information security rules.
ON5 To offer methods and technologies for protecting information in information systems of institutions and state archives.
ON6 Make expert conclusions for projects on the creation of electronic archives in organizations, analyzing and proposing ways to improve preschool education based on theoretical and practical knowledge.
ON7 To give recommendations as a result of applied research in the field of IT document management, archival studies, and archeography using the modern methodology and practical experience, to introduce the results of scientific research into the educational process
ON8 Solve document management tasks in organizations by introducing electronic document management systems (EDMS, e-archive as part of EDMS, workflow systems, ECM systems) and evaluating the capabilities of EDMS systems in specific conditions by studying the situation in the modern foreign market of information products and IT services.
ON9 To carry out work on completing departmental and state archives with electronic documents on the basis of a criterion for examining the value and selecting electronic documents for state storage, developing a system of a scientific and reference apparatus and determining the value of a historical document (profitable, costly, comparative methods), access to archival information, introducing archival documents in scientific circulation.
ON10 Embed IT technologies in state, departmental and private archives based on the methodology and techniques for implementing IT in the document management system and regulatory framework of the NAF RK.
ON11 To develop methodological support (memos, instructions, rules, manuals, reference and information reviews) on the functioning of documents in an electronic environment using theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
ON12 Conduct all types of training sessions on documentation and archiving based on the developed methodological recommendations, organizing independent work of undergraduates, promoting the development of a favorable educational environment for the realization of the cultural and linguistic needs of students, building professional relationships with colleagues, to use knowledge of the history and philosophy of science, management psychology and pedagogy of higher education in professional activities.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years