- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Natural Sciences
Expected learning outcomes Upon completion of this educational program, it is expected that undergraduates will be able to:
1. ON1 – to interpret the results of theoretical studies and experiments in the fields of gravity and cosmology;
2. ON2 – to apply theoretical models of physical phenomena and processes to explain the experimental data obtained;
3. ON3- to use modern computer programs, mathematical apparatus and numerical methods for conducting scientific calculations of physical phenomena and processes in the fields of gravity and cosmology;
4. ON4- to conduct a comparative graphical analysis of the results depending on various parameters characterizing physical systems;
5. ON5- to analyze graphical results of data processing, conduct a critical analysis of the results of theoretical calculations, research and experiments, make a full report on the work performed;
6. ON6 - to substantiate the scientific results obtained on the study of a particular physical problem in order to achieve the goals set and the implementation of the main tasks;
7. ON7 - to organize effective demonstration of educational materials, show your professional level in front of students;
8. ON8- successfully apply modern educational technologists, analyze the possibilities of contact audiences;
9. ON9-to develop an effective method for evaluating and analyzing learning outcomes using advanced modern technologies;
10. ON10- guide and motivate students to get high learning outcomes;
11. ON11- to apply innovative, pedagogical and educational technologies, as well as highly effective teaching methods, evaluate their effectiveness;
12. ON12- master professional skills and abilities in the process of studying at a university, understand the significance of their profession, show a steady interest, develop, be up to date with current trend events (experiments and theoretical studies).
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years