Master degree program
Digital Economics

Digital Economics


  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Economic Sciences


1) to organize a student-centered academic process with the application of practice-oriented methods and modern teaching technologies to socialize students' personalities, improve their civic and professional activity based on national and universal values, and carry out scientific research and methodological activities in compliance with ethical and legal norms in the field of science and education
2) to critically evaluate advanced achievements of theory and practice in the field of information and communication technologies and systems, including artificial intelligence (AI), virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR/MR) technologies, and their role in the development of the world economy, including in Kazakhstan's partner countries in foreign trade, international and Kazakhstani labor market and extrapolate them to science, business, financial analytics and academic environment of the country
3) to use business intelligence tools and digital data processing methods based on Python, Java, or R programming to analyze various data in the development of new information and communication programs and products to improve the efficiency of business processes in the industry, region, or enterprise, and increasing the competitiveness of the national economy and the well-being of the country's population.
4) to independently research national and international databases and assess trends in information technology infrastructure and opportunities for the introduction of big data, AI, VR/AR/MR, and other ICT technologies in different areas of the country based on scientifically sound conclusions obtained in teamwork during R&D/creative projects and publications in compliance with ethical norms and normative legal acts in the field of science.
5) to analyze and critically evaluate real problems of business and economic policy in the country by collecting, analyzing, and comparing data of national and world official statistics, using programming skills in Python and R, and propose their prospective directions of development taking into account the digital development of the national economy, to substantiate the causes and consequences of illegal activities in the conditions of digitalization based on scientifically based conclusions and publications in international and national databases;
6) able to professionally develop strategic and operational plans and budgets, smart contracts, and blockchain systems and interpret, analyze, and evaluate financial and economic reporting for organizations of different types of ownership in a virtual environment and the real economy to identify their competitive advantages, and propose new forms of investment and regional and international business doing based on forecasting the world market conditions;
7) to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the existing and latest methods of assessment and analysis of the investment and business environment, propose new indicators and tools for their improvement and adaptation to Kazakhstan's economic realities, considering the trends of digitalization and implementation of ESG principles in the world based on published scientific and substantiated conclusions of their practical significance for the national economy, contributing to improving the country's position in global rankings of competitiveness and doing business;
8) to find and propose ways to qualitatively improve processes and tasks for business, government, educational, and other organizations and communities in the country, transform them into new ones based on innovative digital technologies for processing big data, blockchain, neural networks, and AI, VR/AR/MR, relying on programming skills in Python, Java, R, JavaScript, and others;
9) to model new solutions to economic and other problems in the allocation and use of various resources, processes, and risks at micro, middle, and macro levels based on the application of innovative digital technologies (processing big data, blockchain implementation, use of neural networks, artificial intelligence, and VR/AR/MR) and Python, Java, and(or) R programming skills;
10) to analyze current trends, features, and prospects of development of the global market of cryptocurrency and ICO, advanced blockchain technologies in finance, agency relations in blockchain systems, and PoS algorithms to develop their analogs and(or) new models for Kazakhstan and offer innovative ideas and solutions to existing problems in this area for the needs of the national economy;
11) to evaluate statistical data of the national economy and compare them with global data to explain current processes and trends in the economic development of the country and the world community using applied econometric, micro- and macroeconomic modeling, analyzing, and interpreting the results of modeling to forecast the state and development of the economy of Kazakhstan, as a whole, and its separate region, industry, or enterprise of the country based on assessing the adequacy and reliability of the developed model;
12) to defend their point of view and express creative ideas in oral and written forms in the state and foreign languages to improve economic and technological development; work professionally and democratically in a team; develop communication skills, goodwill, and stress resistance, tolerantly and empathically accepting social, ethnic, confessional, cultural differences and historical heritage of countries; develop professional, teaching, and research skills based on social-ethical norms and responsibility; professionally and critically evaluate the acquired economic knowledge and info-communication skills and implement effective strategies for their application in practice

Program passport

Speciality Name
Digital Economics
Speciality Code
High School of Economics and Business


Applied Econometrics of Time Series
  • Number of credits - 6
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline is to form the ability to use econometric models and application software packages in solving problems of econometric modeling. The discipline aims to study the methods of time series analysis in economics and their application for forecasting and evaluating economic phenomena.

Big Data in Digital Transformation of Economy
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: formation of knowledge about the economy’s digital transformation and opportunities for using BigData in enterprise activities. Discipline allows to study main processes of economy’s digitalization and problems of e-business management, identify opportunities for using BigData in the economy and choose methods for their analysis, and carry out the transformation of business models of enterprises to use BigData.

Foreign Language (professional)
  • Number of credits - 6
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline is to form practical skills in various types of speech activity in a foreign language. The training course builds the ability to perceive, understand and translate information in the modern global space, participate in scientific events to test their own research. The discipline is aimed at improving competencies in accordance with international standards of foreign language education.

History and Philosophy of Science
  • Number of credits - 3
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline is to form a holistic systemic understanding of philosophy as a special form of cognition of the world, its main sections, problems and methods of their study in the context of future professional activity. The training course forms the theoretical and methodological basis of research work.

Methods of research in economics
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose is to form the ability to use the methods of planning and organizing scientific research, building the structure of a scientific project. The discipline is a course that introduces undergraduates to the main research methods used in economics. This course aims to develop skills in conducting empirical research and analyzing economic data.

Modern Concepts of Economic siences
  • Number of credits - 6
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline is to develop the ability to use theories/methodologies of economic analysis to identify the fundamental problems of economic theory. The discipline is a course that introduces undergraduates to key modern theories and concepts in the field of economics. The discipline focuses on the latest research and developments in economics.

New Management Technologies, Blockchain and Cryptoassets
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: to develop knowledge about new technologies of economic management, blockchain, and crypto-economics. The discipline aims to study quantum and neurotechnology for managing business processes and the economy, in general, to define blockchain technologies, cryptographic methods, and mining technologies for crypto economics, and to use blockchain modules and platforms for business processes.

Organization and Planning of Scientific Research (in English)
  • Number of credits - 6
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline to form the ability to apply practical skills in the organization and planning of scientific research. The discipline studies: forms and methods of planning, organization and design of scientific articles and dissertations; forms of summarizing the results of scientific research in presentations, speeches, projects, articles.

Pedagogy of Higher Education
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline is to form the ability to teach in universities and colleges based on knowledge of higher school didactics, theory of education and management of education, analysis and self-assessment of teaching activities. The training course is aimed at studying the trends in the development of education and the Bologna process. The course will help you master teaching and curatorial skills, various strategies and methods of teaching and education.

Programming in R
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose is to teach the R programming language for advanced statistical analysis. The discipline introduces the basics of R programming language and reviews the most widely used basic R commands for exploratory data analysis and visualization. It allows you to prepare data for analysis, explore them with different libraries, and present the results with various tools.

Psychology of management
  • Number of credits - 3
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline is to provide scientific training of highly qualified specialists based on the study of fundamental concepts of management psychology, creating prerequisites for a theoretical understanding and practical application of the most important aspects of the field of management in the process of professional formation. The course is aimed at studying the patterns of development and functioning of mental processes, the basics of effective interaction and conflict resolution, self-development and self-presentation.

Spatial economics in the context of digitalization
  • Number of credits - 9
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: formation of knowledge of spatial economics models for forecasting economic development. Learning outcomes: - analyze spatial data for solving strategic tasks of state, business; - apply digital technologies for modeling spatial data; - evaluate positive effects of digitalization spatial data; - develop new spatial models to optimize, rationalize behavior.

Data for 2022-2025 years


Applied macroeconomics
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: to develop knowledge of applied macroeconomic analysis to diagnose and evaluate the national economy. The discipline aims to obtain fundamental knowledge on diagnosing and solving macroeconomic problems, assessing the impact of external factors in the world economy, including Kazakhstan's economy, and applying statistical and econometric analysis to study trends in them.

Applied microeconomics
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: to develop the ability to use applied microeconomic analysis of market agents' activities. The discipline aims to study the main trends and directions of market agents' activities to assess the efficiency of their decisions on resources and results and to use financial and economic modeling and business analytics tools to simulate new models of market interaction.

Big Data in Digital Transformation of Economy
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: formation of knowledge about digital transformation of economy, possibilities for using BigData in enterprises activities. Learning outcomes: - determine main processes of digitalization of economy, problems of e-business management; - identify possibilities using BigData in economy, choose methods for analysis; - transform business models of enterprises to use BigData.

Digital economic security
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: formation of knowledge about digital economic security to ensure sustainable development of entities under risk conditions. The discipline will make it possible to describe the details of each vulnerability of the information base and propose models for their elimination, form a database and a system of indicators of economic plans to carry out financial calculations, and evaluate data protection and cybersecurity systems.

Digital Integration and Artificial Intelligence
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: to form a comprehensive understanding of the role and capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) for automating critical business processes. The discipline aims to identify the range of solved and unsolved problems in AI, master the symbolic approach to AI and neural network architecture, and analyze the principles of working with information data and Bayes' theorem, ethical problems of AI.

Digital Technologies in Business and Risk Management
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: to form a holistic view of new business models, technologies, and risks in the digital economy. Discipline aims to assess innovative trends for digital business, using digital marketing and brand management to bring a product to market, evaluate the efficiency of business structure, and analyze the threats/opportunities of Industry-4.0 for business and effective risk management.

Digital Tools in Business Intelligence
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: to form the ability to process and analyze digital economic information using software tools and products. The discipline enables the application of data collection and analysis methods during economic activity to determine basic methods of software processing of digital economic information (SPSS) and the use of MS Excel spreadsheet processors for economic plans and financial calculations.

Digital transformation in business and shadow economy
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: to form comprehensive knowledge of the opportunities and risks of economic digitalization within the framework of Industry-4.0. The discipline explores trends and challenges of the Industry-4.0 market, enables the study of new business models of digital companies, and assesses threats and opportunities of digitalization for real economic sectors and impact of digitalization on the turnover of illegal business activities.

Future technologies: virtual and augmented reality
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: to develop the ability to design virtual reality-VR systems and import 3D models into VR/AR development environment. The discipline allows for defining the scope of application, principles, and tools for VR/AR systems development, using 3D computer graphics, computer modeling, and simulation in VR development environment, and developing technical documentation for information systems with immersive content.

Macroeconomic Modeling
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: formation of a holistic view of advanced macroeconomic models and methods of macroeconomic analysis. The discipline includes developing formal mathematical models that allow you to explore the macroeconomic system and predict its future growth. Within the framework of this discipline, undergraduates acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for the analysis and modeling of macroeconomic phenomena and processes.

Microeconomic Analysis
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: formation of complex knowledge about the behaviour of economic agents and skills of microeconomic analysis. Microeconomic analysis is a more advanced and deeper level of study of economic theory and analysis. The discipline is aimed at familiarizing undergraduates with more complex models and theoretical concepts, as well as applying them to the analysis of empirical complex economic problems.

New Management Technologies, Blockchain and Cryptoassets
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: formation of knowledge about new technologies for managing economy, blockchain and cryptoeconomics. Learning outcomes: - demonstrate knowledge of quantum, neurotechnologies for managing business processes, economy in general; - define blockchain technologies, cryptographic methods, mining technologies for cryptoeconomics; - use blockchain modules and platforms for business processes.

Smart Contracts: Blockchain Application in Economics
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: to form a comprehensive understanding of smart-contracts and the application of blockchain technologies in business and government. The discipline aims to apply knowledge of the basics of digital economy and blockchain technologies to assess the advantages and opportunities of smart-contracts for business and models and methods of developing smart contracts in energy supply, commodity exchanges, retail, and international supplies.

Spatial economics in the context of digitalization
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: to build knowledge of spatial economy models for forecasting digital economic development. The discipline aims to analyze spatial data to solve strategic tasks of state and business, apply digital technologies to model spatial data and assess the positive effects of this, and develop new models to optimize and rationalize the economy's behavior in the conditions of digitalization.

Data for 2022-2025 years


  • Type of control - Защита практики
  • Description - Formation of practical, educational-methodical skills of conducting lectures, seminars, creatively apply scientific, theoretical knowledge, practical skills in teaching activities, conduct training sessions in the disciplines of the specialty; own modern professional techniques, methods of training, use in practice the latest theoretical, methodological advances, make educational, methodological documentation.

  • Type of control - Защита практики
  • Description - The purpose of the practice: gaining experience in the study of an actual scientific problem, expand the professional knowledge gained in the learning process, and developing practical skills for conducting independent scientific work. The practice is aimed at developing the skills of research, analysis and application of economic knowledge.

Data for 2022-2025 years