Master degree program
Global Health

Global Health


  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Medical Sciences


Upon completion of this program, it is expected that postgraduates will be able to
1. Apply the provisions and categories of the philosophy of science to analyze and evaluate the main ideological problems of an interdisciplinary nature that arise in science at the present stage of global development
2. Apply pedagogical and psychological skills of higher education in practical activities, using analysis and evaluation of modern teaching and learning methods, including in a foreign language.
3. Use psychological methods of influence and means of communication to work effectively in interprofessional teams, resolve conflict situations in healthcare and constantly develop professional skills and critical thinking skills using modern scientific approaches in the field of global health.
4. Apply international health systems and the impact of globalization on health, using modern approaches to introduce scientific information into the global health system, identifying the main social and economic determinants of health
5. Provide leadership in promoting social and interdisciplinary innovation in global health, applying sustainability practices to ensure high levels of safety and quality care
6. Apply management tools and methods, demonstrate management methods in professional activities when planning, implementing, evaluating international, country and local programs, using the principles of social justice and human rights in solving global health problems based on modern achievements of science and practice
7. Use research methodology when working with databases to analyze, evaluate the results of scientific
research, as well as predict possible risks and ways to solve research problems in global health issues
8. Process and interpret statistical data using modern digital technologies, using available methods and tools to assess health risks associated with environmental changes in a specific region/country
9. Demonstrate management methods in professional activities when planning, implementing, evaluating programs, using the principles of social justice and human rights in solving global health problems based on modern achievements of science and practice
10. Develop a strategy to respond to the main environmental problems of the region, global health risk factors, applying the international roles of WHO, UNICEF, UNAIDS, the Global Fund, etc. and using regulations in the field of human health and human rights, International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical research

Program passport

Speciality Name
Global Health
Speciality Code
Faculty of Medicine and Health

