- Негізгі бет
- Магистратура
- Білім беру бағдарламалары
- Креативті индустриялар
Креативті индустриялар
- ғылыми - педагогикалық бағыт - өнертану ғылымдарының магистрі
ON1. Create a model of a creative cluster focused on the products and services of the creative industry.
ON2. Develop a creative workshop focused on the development of the digital-driven fashion, music, theater and film industries.
ON3. Compare the technology for creating creative projects and solve the problems of the creative economy in modeling and promoting the sustainable development algorithm.
ON4. Develop programs to identify significant problems in the creative industry of Kazakhstan, ensure their implementation, correlate the results obtained for the further development of capital.
ON5. Have the ability to competently use research skills of creative thinking in the process of creating a creative startup.
ON6. Analyze future trends in the creative industry market and predict development models using innovative technologies tools, as well as comparative methods and case studies.
ON7. Implement basic knowledge of creating a creative scheme for a multicultural environment, select from them an actual and basic idea for solving conceptual problems in the field of the creative industry.
ON8. Justify the market trend for the creative industry and the promotion of the strategy in different clusters, also g
ON9. Formulate judgments based on incomplete or limited information in the field of the creative industry, affecting the knowledge economy, including social and human sciences, create innovative products for this field of activity.
ON 10. Create new algorithms and process systems for creative urbanism in terms of the Sustainable Development Goals using creative approaches and innovative technologies.
ON 11. Interpret the results of applied research based on philosophical principles, both in academic science and in the creative industry market in the context of transformation to a new dimension of creative thinking.
ON 12. Work in a creative team, use innovative platforms, including industrial highways and creative technologies, using empirical methods and technologies of innovative opportunities
Бағдарлама паспорты
2022-2025 жылдардағы мәліметтер көрсетілген
2022-2025 жылдардағы мәліметтер көрсетілген
2022-2025 жылдардағы мәліметтер көрсетілген