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12/7/2012 «Орындалмаған арман, ақталмаған үміт, баянсыз махаббат»
December 6, 2012 in a hostel number 13 artistic event «Орындалмаған арман, ақталмаған үміт, баянсыз махаббат» was held, based on the dramatic story by Beimbet Mailyn «Шұғаның белгісі». The event was held in accordance with the initiative of our university/s rector Galymkair Mutanov «100 books, which students of KazNU must have read». The event organizers - first-year graduate students, also students of 404 and 405 (Chemical technology of organic substances) academic groups of physical chemistry, catalysis and petroleum chemistry department (curator advisors: prof. Y.Aubakirov and doc. Zh. Tashmukhambetova).
12/6/2012 Dear students!
Dear students!
Faculty of geography and nature management the department of cartography and geoinformatics invite you for day of department “My future profession” on 7 December, 2012 in 4 p.m. with presentation modern electronical equipment.
12/5/2012 Religious tolerance
The Department of Religious studies and Culturology of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science held a round table on a theme: «Inter-faith consent in Kazakhstan», devoted to the day of «Religious tolerance» on November 16, 2012.
11/26/2012 The Department of Foreign Languages for Humanities is organizing a conference “Protection of the Environment in Kazakhstan: Current Situation and Perspectives”
The Department of Foreign Languages for Humanities is organizing a conference “Protection of the Environment in Kazakhstan: Current Situation and Perspectives” on Friday, November 30, 2012. Students of Master Courses of the Law Faculty, High School of Economics and Business, Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, Faculty of Oriental Studies and the Faculty of History, Archeology and Ethnology will participate at the conference.
11/23/2012 The Department of Religious studies and Culturology of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science held a round table on a theme: «Inter-faith consent in Kazakhstan»
The Department of Religious studies and Culturology of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science held a round table on a theme: «Inter-faith consent in Kazakhstan», devoted to the day of «Religious tolerance» on November 16, 2012.
11/21/2012 international conference dedicated to the discussion of the current status and development trends of the "CIS Network University".
In November 2012 the Higher School of Economics and Business of Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, organized and hosted an international conference dedicated to the discussion of the current status and development trends of the "CIS Network University".
11/16/2012 The UNIVERSITY ACTION «Make the Scientific library of al-Farabi Kazakh National university the best library!»
Dear colleagues, dear friends and all of wishers!
From 12th of November to 12th of December, 2012 will start the university action «Make the Scientific library of al-Farabi Kazakh National university the best library!».
We call teachers, the staff of the university to take part in this action. If you have books which you already have read, the Scientific library will accept them with gratitude, so a book will surely find it’s reader.
11/15/2012 Undergraduate Education Program of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University was recognized by the UN World Tourism Organization
Undergraduate Education Program of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University was recognized by the UN World Tourism Organization
The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is a United Nations Agency responsible for the promotion responsible, sustainable and public tourism.
11/13/2012 meeting with the member of the German Parliament (Bundestag) and the head of the parliamentary group of the Central Asian – Ms. Dagmar Enkelmann
The Faculty of International Relations is organizing a meeting with the member of the German Parliament (Bundestag) and the head of the parliamentary group of the Central Asian – Ms. Dagmar Enkelman on November 15, 2012.The agenda of the meeting includes the inter-parliamentary relations between Germany and Kazakhstan, the activities of the Central Asian parliamentary group of the Bundestag, the prospects of cooperation with the Al-Faraby Kazakh National University, and the development of the KazNU Center of German Studies.
11/10/2012 Online registration on the annual “Al-Farabi” Olympiad
Dear students of 10th, 11th grades! Online registration on the annual “Al-Farabi” Olympiad, held by Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has started. If you want to get an education at the prestigious university in Kazakhstan, if you are clever, talented and self-confident take part at “Al-Farabi” Olympiad. You can registrar at www.kaznu.kz