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Open lecture "Why don't we appreciate our nature?"
Within the framework of the Green Campus program, with the aim of encouraging sensitivity towards nature and environment and the prevention of destructive behavior in nature, an online meeting with Magzhan Sagimbayev, a famous Kazakhstani traveler, was organized for students of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th years of the specialty Meteorology (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. During the meeting, Magzhan spoke about his world cycling trip, the attitude of people to nature, and environmental volunteering in Kazakhstan.
During the meeting, Magzhan gave several examples of attitudes towards nature in other countries. He noted that the cleanest country in the post-Soviet region is Belarus, and unlike Singapore (where the fine for garbage can be $ 500), they did not achieve this with high fines. Speaking about the bicycle as the most ecological transport, he noted the highly developed infrastructure in Western Europe for cyclists. He was impressed by the EuroVelo project. As part of this project, a network of cycling routes was created throughout Europe. In Alaska, upon returning from the route, it is necessary to show the presence of the garbage brought, then, they return the eco-fee as a bonus, which they pay at the entrance. He also noted that during his studies in Austria, Salzburg, every week for the education of students, 2 hours of environmental education were allocated dedicated to how garbage is recycled, why a waste separation system is necessary, etc. In addition to theory, there was practical experience when they were taken to a waste processing plant, where most of Austria's waste is recycled. He also noted that people who support volunteer movements and participate in environmental projects are often a priority when admitting to university and to work abroad.
Also during the meeting, environmental projects and the reason for the low environmental culture in the country were discussed. At the end of the lecture, a cloud of words that expresses stude
Responsible for the event: 1st year doctoral students Tursumbayeva M.O., Yushina Yu.A.