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- Bachelor's program
- Educational programs
- Psychology
- First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Social Sciences
- Second Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Social Sciences
- First Stage of Higher Short Education - Bachelor of Social Sciences
1. To reproduce the system of philosophical and educational ideas of thinkers of the past centuries, basic knowledge of the social and humanitarian profile, including the basic patterns and trends of the historical development of scientific knowledge, the main psychological paradigms, the main branches, approaches, theories, directions and scientific schools of psychology.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the origins and continuity of the Kazakh statehood; social concepts and phenomena; current trends and policies in the field of entrepreneurship, environmental safety; fundamentals of the fight against corruption and financial literacy.
3. To characterize the fundamental laws of the psyche, its development, mental processes, states, properties in norm and pathology in accordance with the accepted classification.
4. To analyze and evaluate information about the brain, psyche and consciousness, psychological features and patterns of personality development and functioning in the study of psychological phenomena.
5. To analyze the specifics of human mental functioning taking into account age, gender, social, cultural, ethnic, individual characteristics, factors of ontogenetic development, family development and organizational and psychological conditions.
6. Use psychodiagnostic and experimental methods and techniques that correspond to the goals of the situation, with subsequent skills of quantitative and qualitative data processing, including with the help of ICT, the ability to interpret them, formulate a psychological conclusion.
7. Demonstrate the ability to conduct psychological research and experiment based on the application of general scientific and specifically psychological research methods.
8. To take into account in practical work the general and particular psychological patterns of changes and restoration of mental activity, the psychophysiological state in normal and in various pathological conditions and developmental anomalies.
9. To carry out psychological activities as part of psychological services in the fields of education, business, production, healthcare, military, political and law enforcement agencies based on knowledge of languages, branches of psychology and taking into account factors of personality development, gender identity, national psychological characteristics, socio-cultural differences and the specifics of ontogenesis.
10. Apply procedures for providing psychological assistance to an personality and a group using psychodiagnostics, counseling, psychotherapy, psychocorrection, training, coaching, mediation and negotiation technologies, organizational and psychological methods and supervision.
11. To implement methods of psychoprophylaxis, psychohygiena, crisis psychotherapy and rehabilitation under stress, for suicidal behavior, disorders associated with emergency and crisis situations.
12. Correctly express and reasonably solve emerging professional problems in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Code of professional ethics of a psychologist, universal values of tolerance and support based on sustainable professional motivation.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years