- First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Humanities
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the basis of socio-ethical values and social and legal norms of human life, contribute to the development of a general culture and socialization of the individual, navigate in various socio-economic, political and emergency situations, analyze socially significant problems and processes, reveal the logic of the general historical development of societies;
2. Use the conceptual and terminological apparatus in the field of history and the methods of auxiliary historical disciplines in working with historical sources; to comprehend the essence of the theories of historical knowledge and the historical process and understand methods in historical science;
3. Substantiate the content of methodological approaches in history, to analyze the content and laws of the most important phenomena and events of ancient, medieval, new and recent history;
4. Interpret economic, political, social, cultural processes during the evolution of society; analyze the historical processes of the ancient, medieval, new, modern history of the countries of Europe, America and Central Asia and establish the causal relationships of the regional and local consequences of historical events;
5. Evaluate the development trends of historical science and scientific schools in historiography; evaluate historical sources and their representativeness for assessing and describing historical reality;
6. Identify general and specific methods of analysis of various types of sources (material, written) in the analysis of historical events; critically evaluate the causes and effects of historical events and events of national and universal history; identify the main trends in the historical development of regions and countries;
7. Develop simulation models of historical events using computer modeling and informational support of historical, cultural and local history aspects of organizations and institutions;
8. Give an expert opinion on socio-cultural projects and to conduct historical analogies, analysis of the socio-economic context, using various methods of analyzing and structuring information;
9. to determine the methodological conditions for the successful solution of the main goals of education, coordination and development of the concept of training and organize the work of the group to achieve the result;
10. Develop information support for historical, cultural and local history aspects in the activities of organizations and institutions, use methods to identify the historical, cultural and natural potential of the region, demonstrate knowledge of the bases of legislation on the protection and preservation of historical monuments;
11. Evaluate analytical information taking into account the historical context for decision-making by state and local governments; develop historical and sociopolitical aspects in information and analytical centers, public and political organizations, mass media; develop and implement cultural and educational projects;
12. Build professional relationships with colleagues and management; to use for their professional purposes the data of related sciences: sociology, economics, psychology; master new information technologies, adapt to non-standard situations, work in a team.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years