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- Bachelor's program
- Educational programs
- Social Work
Social Work
- First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor in the area of Services
- Second Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor in the area of Services
- First Stage of Higher Short Education - Bachelor in the area of Services
1. demonstrate the ability to distinguish and explain the basic concepts, theories, functions and mechanisms of social work, their use in interacting with people in difficult life situations;
2. to determine the strategy of self-development, social information management based on various models of scientific knowledge, the teachings of al-Farabi, the formation of an anti-corruption culture, entrepreneurship skills, environmental management, ensuring the safety of human life, research methods, the basics of financial literacy;
3. apply basic methods and technologies of social work in various professional situations;
4. evaluate from the point of view of professional ethics the specifics of a particular case when working with a client, the research data of the problem, taking into account the sociological, psychological, economic, legal components;
5. to carry out mediation, socio-preventive, consulting and socio-psychological activities on the problems of socialization and rehabilitation of persons in difficult life situations;
6. coordinate the actions of specialists and services in order to solve the psychological, interpersonal, social problems of the client and his environment.
7. expand the client's ability to independently provide for their basic life needs by mobilizing their own strength, physical, mental and social resources;
8. to monitor the provision of special social services, assessment and quality control of the provision of social services, social security and social assistance measures based on the achievements of modern qualimetry and standardization;
9. develop programs of social interaction with the client through the possibilities of social advertising and other means of influencing the client;
10. participate in social projects using methods of forecasting, designing and modeling processes and phenomena in the field of social work, expert evaluation of social projects;
11. analyze and maintain the necessary documentation and document management in the departments of organizations implementing social protection measures for citizens;
12. to show the ability to independently choose methods and means for the implementation of social tasks.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years