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- Bachelor's program
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- Media Communications
Media Communications
- First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Social Sciences
ON1. Bring an individual creative component to professional activity, using methods of speech, interpersonal and effective communication (smart communications, digital technologies, photo and infographics, social network algorithm, mobile applications).
ON2. To identify the features and specifics of media philosophy, to analyze cases of intercultural communications based on modern challenges of global information, as well as to adapt them to the peculiarities of national practices, to build effective business and interpersonal communications, to strengthen the emotional intelligence of the collective and the media community.
ON3. To interpret the motives, interests and values of business etiquette in various types of speech communication, to determine the features of the language of effective and interpersonal communication, to identify the specifics of intensive dialogue, to implement multimedia cases and storytelling using data visualization, fact-checking tools and ethical norms and regulations.
ON4. Develop strategic media plans for the distribution of films, videos, and television programs and comprehensively manage media production; execute various types of media messages (in the format of educational television and radio content) using digital tools and multimedia storytelling methods, video and audio stories; edit; analyze and select edited material, make production and managerial decisions during the communication practicum.
ON5. Create media works dedicated to the media environment and media ecology (media, technology, and communications and their impact on human habitat) based on the knowledge of history and current trends in the development of media communication, social media management (SMM), taking into account the main functions: adaptive, developmental, and managerial.
ON6. Incorporate a creative component into professional news processing activities in the media, using effective communication methods in the philosophical, legal, entrepreneurial, and environmental fields to develop the intellectual potential of society.
ON7. Effectively promote high-quality content in YouTube journalism by compiling a mudboard collection, an estimate, a content plan; write a script and a synopsis concept, run a YouTube channel using the formats and genres of popular media products.
ON8. Position projects for the media, focusing on the theory and cases of transmedia communications, promote social media marketing projects using creative approaches and innovative technologies of media monitoring and complex analysis, as well as models of a journalist's work in a sustainable communication system.
ON9. Compare the technology of creating and managing transmedia projects and solve tasks related to modeling and promoting programs in community management, developing a system of business communicative interaction, including digital communications in social media, and the activities of news agencies focused on social issues.
ON10. Systematically present the theory and practice of mass communication and transmedia communications, media management, create creative media projects to promote social media and SMM communications, ensure their implementation and integration in society, correlate the results obtained for the further development of the creative media workshop.
ON11. Assess the trends in the development of the global information and communication market for the promotion and management of the media market using the tools of multimedia content, taking into account the norms and provisions of scientific culture, effective technology for critical perception of the world, as well as media ethics and law.
ON12. To present media texts and television and radio materials on media ethics as a basic tool of a journalist, as well as law, focused on interethnic dialogue, analyze indicators of media consumption and predict their use and development using the tools of media and digital technologies.
ON13.To create materials of different genres and formats, using creative technologies and flexible strategies, focusing on the history and theory of communication, analyze and compare the media content of different media, identifying its strengths and weaknesses in a crisis, optimize the impact in the field of media communication.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years