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- Aquaculture and Aquatic Biological Resources
Aquaculture and Aquatic Biological Resources
- First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Agriculture
ON1 Knows traditional and modern problems of history, national and world philosophy, is able to analyze the activities of public authorities, demonstrating a high level of intellectual development, literate and developed speech, with developed communicative competencies and knowledge of the basics of financial literacy, humanitarian cultural thinking, political, socio-economic, cultural and environmental development of the state, to ensure the basics human life safety.
ON2 Is able to distinguish specific features and morphological characteristics of a living organism, ecological and microbiological processes of aquatic biological systems of various levels of organization, using knowledge on the individual development of fish using methods of genetics, embryology, histology, microbiology, hydrochemistry and biochemistry to assess the ecological and biological state of the ecosystem of natural and artificial reservoirs.
ON3 Defines the taxonomy and diversity of the composition of ichthyofauna and hydrofauna, using modern ichthyological and hydrobiological, histological and hydrochemical methods of studying aquatic organisms to assess and analyze the biological state of ichthyofauna and aquatic invertebrates.
ON4 Demonstrates theoretical knowledge about the ecology of fish nutrition and practical skills in the application of intensive aquaculture technology with the basics of fish feeding.
ON5 Identifies the main diseases of fish, using modern therapeutic and diagnostic methods to improve the condition of the cultivated fish population and the proper organization of sanitary and hygienic work at fish farms, demonstrating practical skills in studying fish physiology with the basics of aquatic toxicology, using methods of microbiology and virology, ichthyopathology, aquarium methods of fish maintenance,
ON6 Knows the modern classification of fishing gear, geographical zoning of fish, with the patterns of formation of natural aquatic biological resources, the organization of lake– commercial, recreational and decorative fish farming, cultivation of forage organisms, aquatic fisheries legislation for work at fish farms and in team research to assess the state of natural stocks of aquatic biological resources.
ON7 Applies methods of reproduction of fish stocks for the protection and control of aquatic biological resources, methods of natural and factory reproduction of fish, fish breeding in aquaculture, fish farming and hydrotechnical calculations for the design of aquafarms of various types.
ON8 Uses knowledge on entrepreneurship, the design of intensive aquaculture technologies, methods for determining hydraulic parameters, using management methods and planning activities of aquaculture enterprises, to calculate the economic efficiency of production and increase profitability.
ON9 Is able to analyze the resource potential of all fisheries reservoirs in Kazakhstan and the number of aquatic biological resources in inland reservoirs, has knowledge of lake science, using modern methods of accounting for aquatic biological resources, for the protection and rational use of aquatic organisms.
ON10 Has skills in collecting, systematizing and generalizing primary data, skills in working with software (Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint), is capable of analytical thinking, logic, analysis, scientific substantiation and creative problem solving in the field of fisheries, is able to prepare a report, write a scientific thesis, an article on professional issues, is able to abstract texts.
ON11 Is capable of self-study upon completion of the curriculum, to expand his knowledge based on information and educational technologies; to choose priorities for educational and research activities; using methods of analysis and synthesis of information obtained from various sources, is able to build professional relationships with colleagues and management, constantly improves his qualifications and is ready to continue education in Master's degree program.
ON12 Is able to act rationally and independently, guided by his scientifically based conclusions, observations and experience gained as a result of cognitive professional activity; Knows the laws of anti-corruption legislation; is able to independently plan time, prioritize, comply with deadlines for work.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years