- First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Education
RO 1. Applies modern biological knowledge of structural-functional, genetic bases of life, reproduction and development, selection of organisms of the main kingdoms of living nature, their systematics, biodiversity and evolution to fully organize the learning process
RO 2. Integrates knowledge of basic and applied biological disciplines, including interdisciplinary knowledge, into the structure of the educational process to form a responsible attitude to wildlife and awareness of the value of life on Earth, to the norms of ecology, to a healthy lifestyle, to improve biological literacy, to apply knowledge of the mechanisms of heredity
RO 3. Evaluates progress in the assimilation of biological knowledge, development of skills, practical skills in the course of project, practical, laboratory, research, independent and other tasks that contribute to the development of the student's personality, including distance learning format
RO 4. Creates lesson plans, identifying appropriate methods, resources for teaching biology, and tools for assessing learning achievements, taking into account individual student needs, cognitive abilities, and analysis of behaviors that promote successful learning
RO 5. Maintains a comfortable, accessible learning environment and emotional-psychological climate in the classroom, using a wide range of educational resources in managing the learning process and in selecting current scientific biological topics related to the harmonious interaction of humans with nature and society, the influence of hereditary mechanisms on human behavior and learning
RO 6. Applies in the management of the educational process modern forms and methods of pedagogical and educational work, contributing to the discovery of the personality of students, demonstrating openness to cultural diversity, preserving and developing national, universal, ecological values, contributing to the maintenance of mental, physical and moral health and hygiene
RO 7. Develops programs and teaching methods in biological disciplines in accordance with quality standards, taking into account the age, psychological characteristics and other needs of students, providing the developed results of his professional activity to the attention of the scientific and pedagogical community
RO 8. Formulates methodological goals, planning pedagogical activities with full use of personal resources for effective organization of advanced study of biology, demonstrating in practice didactic tools, modern methods and technologies of teaching and education
RO 9. Reflects periodically on his/her professional activity and the practice of colleagues, improving his/her own professional level of biological knowledge, pedagogical competencies, methods of scientific research and innovative technologies
RO 10. Organizes professional activities in a multicultural environment, based on philosophical, national, ethno-historical peculiarities, values of healthy lifestyle and spirituality, rules of ethical behavior in society, along with knowledge and principles of financial literacy in organizing business activities, forming intolerant attitude to illegal behavior and countering corruption
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years