PhD program



  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


ON1. interpret and extrapolate system understanding of current trends, directions and patterns of development and also achievements of world and domestic philosophy in the conditions of globalization and internationalization;
ON2. do scientific generalizations and generate the new ideas on the basis of interpretation and creative use in professional activity of profound knowledge in the field of philosophy and methodology of scientific research;
ON3. carry out independent theoretical and/or applied research and development at the high level, making the significant contribution to creation of the new ideas, approaches and methods, to be competent of formulation of the own scientific conclusions;
ON4. evaluate complex problems in the corresponding branches of science and technicians, to predict results of the innovation activity directed to implementation of large-scale changes in the professional and social sphere;
ON5. to critically analyze, evaluate, synthesize the new and difficult ideas with use of the latest methods of a philosophical research and advantages of cross-disciplinary strategy of a research;
ON6. plan, coordinate and implement process of high-quality and productive scientific research on the basis of possession of technologies of experimental scientific activity and methods of the organization of basic and application social and humanitarian researches;
ON7. create and interpret new knowledge by carrying out high-quality original scientific research which conforms to requirements of expert assessment in the field of scientific knowledge (peer-review), makes a contribution to development of the scientific industry and deserves publication in scientific publications;
ON8. apply in professional activity the theoretical and methodological principles opening a role of spiritual bonds in culture and society and system understanding spiritual participation of the person and the social world, a philosophical discourse in the Kazakhstan spirituality and culture;
ON9. initiate discussion of current problems in the area of a research with equal on the status and wide scientific community and society;
ON10. perform management of research team, carry out interpersonal and cross-cultural communication, interact in a command, be initiative and responsible in professional activity, use professional knowledge for improvement of educational process.
ON11. to solve professional problems, to show skills of administrative activity and organizational behavior in the professional sphere on the basis of understanding of the principles of the system analysis, to be able to build and use models for the description and forecasting of various phenomena, to carry out their qualitative and quantitative analysis;
ON12. to exercise project management, promoting creation of new knowledge and their practical application on the basis of innovative technologies for the relevant directions of the corresponding branch of science.

Program passport

Speciality Name
Speciality Code
Philosophy and Political Science


Academic writing
  • Number of credits - 2
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Aim оf the discipline - formation of readiness and ability of doctoral students to implement their own research studies and projects, presenting their results in writing in accordance with the norms of the international academic community. As a result of studying the discipline the PhD student will be able to: • independently formulate hypotheses on the goal, objectives, subject and object of scientific work, as well as productive research questions in the field of philosophical research; • write a scientific article on the topic of dissertation research in accordance with the norms of the international academic community, including annotations to the article, applications for a conference or grant, etc. • demonstrate the skills of summarizing, reviewing and examining the quality of scientific work, as well as finding relevant bibliographic sources and assessing their quality; • present the results of their research in the form of publications and presentations in an academic, expert and professional environment, using appropriate communication tools; • initiate discussion of urgent problems in their field of research with equal status and wide scientific community and society. The discipline "Academic writing" is aimed at familiarizing doctoral students with the requirements for the design and presentation of the results of scientific research in various scientific genres. The course includes the issues of developing skills in formulating research problems, selecting and substantiating methodological tools, searching and selecting literature, writing a literature review, developing critical reading skills of one's own and other people's work, providing feedback, reasoned discussion, preparing a scientific article for publication in a peer-reviewed publication and etc.

Actual Problems To Philosophical Anthropology
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Aim оf discipline - formation at doctoral candidates of competence of questions of genesis and development of the main stages of a studying of the person, its reflection in concepts antroposociogenesis, activity, death, immortality, etc. As a result of studying the discipline the PhD student will be able to: - to generalize knowledge spiritual, creative and intellektalny as a priority anthropological and social, and understanding intellectual and spiritual as factor of social reality and development of society; - to explain world outlook maintenance and methodological approaches to studying of ontology of life, an axiology of the person in the course of sociocultural transformation of society; - to own theoretical and scientific and practical knowledge in the field of philosophical anthropological doctrines, including in the sphere interaction of the philosophical, social, scientific analysis of prospects, development, forms of human existence; - to polemize freely on urgent problems of modern anthropology. - to use the theoretical and methodological principles, terminological the device of the urgent philosophical directions within modern scientific paradigms. The discipline "Urgent problems of philosophical anthropology" provides knowledge and understanding of the main tendencies and spiritual collisions of philosophy of the end of XX – the beginning of the 21st century of century, their conditionality with change of a role and the place of modern philosophy in culture. The discipline includes the analysis of the latest processes in the political, economic and spiritual spheres of society which exerted considerable impact on process of modern philosophical anthropology. Anthropological concepts of culture. The discipline includes concrete subjects: Specifics of researches of the person, anthropology as self-knowledge; The Perspective of philosophy of the person of the end of XX – the beginning of the 21st centuries, Use of a philosophical reflection as main tendency of a modern philosophical discourse, Modern philosophical anthropology in search of answers to era calls, the Problem of development of the person, stability and variability of human qualities.

  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of a course is metaethics studying as the section of the ethical theory devoted to methodological and logical problems of scientific knowledge of morals. As a result of studying the discipline the PhD student will be able to: to generalize contents and features of metaethics as the section of the ethical theory devoted to methodological and logical problems of scientific knowledge of morals, establishment of criterion of validity of the principles and axiomatics ethical systems, to the analysis of a conceptual framework of ethics, ways of conceptualization of morals; - to analyze social situations, the phenomena and processes from a position of definition of the logic-theoretical bases and methodology of a social and philosophical research; - to show ability of scientific critical judgment of informative, social and political processes within methodology the world-system analysis, ability of strategic planning with use of structurally functional methodology for the solution of tasks of social practice; - to distinguish the organization and to differentiate structure of social and philosophical knowledge by means of identification of various components and the relation between them, and also by means of recognition of regularities and hidden meanings of knowledge. Content of a course: studying of problems of metaethics in the context of modern philosophy; definition of the logical, theoretical and methodological bases of a research of ethics; analysis of a conceptual framework of ethics. The course includes the following subjects: metaethics as the theoretically focused branch of researches of ethical knowledge, a metaethics problem in analytical tradition, methodological installation of metaethical researches, the analysis of ethical problems to the area of language, etc.

PhD thesis writing and defence
  • Number of credits - 12
  • Type of control - Докторская диссертация
  • Description - The main purpose of "PhD thesis writing and defence": of a doctoral dissertation is the formation of the doctoral students' ability to disclose the content of research work for the defense of the thesis. During the study of course, doctoral student's should be competent in: 1. to substantiate the content of new scientifically grounded theoretical and experimental results that allow to solve a theoretical or applied problem or are a major achievement in the development of specific scientific directions; 2. explain the assessment of the completeness of the solutions to the tasks assigned, according to the specifics of the professional sphere of activity; 3. they can analyze alternative solutions for solving research and practical problems and assess the prospects for implementing these options; 4. apply the skills of writing scientific texts and presenting them in the form of scientific publications and presentations. 5. to plan and structure the scientific search, clearly highlight the research problem, develop a plan / program and methods for its study, formalize, in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Establishment, the scientific and qualification work in the form of a thesis for a scientific degree Doctor of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on specialty «8D07502 – Standardization and certification (by industry)». During the study of the discipline doctoral student will learn following aspects: Registration of documents for presentation of the thesis for defense. Information card of the dissertation and registration-registration card (in the format Visio 2003). Extract from the minutes of the meeting of the institution, in which the preliminary defense of the thesis took place. Cover letter to the Higher Attestation Commission. Expert conclusion on the possibility of publishing the author's abstract. Expert opinion on the possibility of publishing a dissertation. Minutes of the meeting of the counting commission. Bulletin for voting. A shorthand record of the meeting of the dissertational council. List of scientific papers. Response of the official opponent. A review of the leading organization. The recall of the scientific adviser.

Scientific Research methods
  • Number of credits - 3
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Aim оf discipline - formation of knowledge of philosophy and methodology of scientific research, planning and conducting productive scientific activity. As a result of studying the discipline the PhD student will be able to: - to use necessary methods of a philosophical research and advantage of cross-disciplinary strategy of a research, to carry out independent scientific research and to be competent of a formulation of the own scientific conclusions; - to carry out the philosophical analysis of a scientific problem; - to transform the received philosophical knowledge on theoretical base of solutions of scientific problems; - to use the conceptual and methodical device of philosophy at realization of various level of the creative ideas – to carry out further theoretical and/or applied research and development at the high level, making the significant contribution to creation of the new ideas, approaches and methods. The discipline "Scientific Research methods" is an obligatory component of the educational program of training of PhD student in "Philosophy". The course is designed to promote development of ways and methods of conducting scientific research. Consecutive use of methodology of scientific research promotes comprehensive increase in level of scientific researches of future scientist-philosopher. The following subjects enter the maintenance of a course: Methodology of scientific research, science Methodology in XX century philosophy, Scientific knowledge and research activity, Planning and the organization of research activity, the Device of scientific research, the Step of scientific research, Specifics of ekperimentalny and theoretical methods of researches, the Scientific theory, a hypothesis, a problem, Creative and discoveries, Philosophy of intellectual property, Ethics of science and responsibility of the scientist within scientific research.

Data for 2021-2024 years


Comparative analysis of modern European and Kazakhstani digital theories and practices: convergence and divergence
  • Type of control - Аудит
  • Description -

Ethics of al-Farabi and Modernity
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Aim оf discipline - formation of knowledge and understanding of methodological fundamentals of Islamic philosophy and the most important postulates of philosophy of al-Farabi who exerted impact on formation of domestic and world philosophy. As a result of studying the discipline the PhD student will be able to: - to systematize cumulative understanding of all system of Islamic sciences about philosophy, the right, eloquence and language, full and most objective idea of authentic Islamic philosophy and al-Farabi's philosophy - to explain the main philosophical contents al-Farabi's heritage and his influence on formation of Turkic philosophy, the nature of influence of east philosophy on the European Renaissance; - to substantiate the role of the ethical teaching of al-Farabi in the formation of the spiritual and moral foundations of Kazakhstan society; - conduct a socio-philosophical analysis of the phenomena of national culture; - to carry out the analysis, comparison and comparison of philosophical, religious and humanistic concepts. Problems of a course include profound studying of philosophical heritage of al-Farabi, consideration of its role in development of the Kazakh and Turkic philosophy. When studying the discipline, the following topics will be considered: the life and work of al-Farabi, the attitude of al-Farabi to religion, the philosophy of the art of al-Farabi, social and ethical views of al-Farabi, a virtuous city as a model of Al-Farabi university Smart-city. Discipline provides knowledge and understanding of the main trends in the study of anthropological problems in the philosophy of Kazakhstan and the work of al-Farabi, their dependence on the changing role and place of modern philosophy in culture.

Foundations of modern humanism
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The formation of the doctoral students knowledge of the history and significance of humanism for man, the study of the essence of humanism of our days, humanistic education in the issues of modern social, cultural and personal life. Demonstration of the humanistic core of modern social and humanitarian science, philosophy and culture. As a result of studying the discipline the PhD student will be able to: - to control and initiate formation of civil and personal qualities of the expert, citizen of the country. - to have the personal qualities and system skills necessary for employment in the areas demanding manifestation of personal responsibility and a considerable independent initiative in difficult and unpredictable professional situations; - to define a problem context, to formulate the research purposes and tasks, to prove methodology and a technique of the project (with use of modern computer technologies, resources, etc.). Discipline is a theoretical course, the study of which contributes to the formation of civil and personal qualities of a specialist, a citizen of the country., Acquaints with a wide range of ideological values, helps in mastering the skills of free reflection. And also develops the ability to understand and analyze positive and negative human qualities. It is supposed that when studying the course, pay attention to the brightest representatives of the philosophy of humanism. Pay special attention to human use.

Idea of A University in the Philosophical Discourse
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Aim оf discipline - to study essence and the nature of a phenomenon of the higher education, to reveal its role in formation of intellectual, professional and moral shape of the person. As a result of studying the discipline the PhD student will be able to: - to prove the main theoretical maintenance of problems of the innovative sphere and innovative activity, including in structure of university education, the main concepts of a research of a phenomenon of innovations in the sphere of science and education; - analytically and critically to analyze the main concepts and approaches in the sphere of the analysis of problems of innovative development in modern society; to use modern social and philosophical methods of the analysis of innovative problems, processes and the phenomena in the social sphere and education; - to estimate and compare innovative processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan and other regions, identifications of impact of innovations on processes of economic, social development, modernization of society, and also reforming in education; detection of system, multilevel, global, exclusive nature of innovative processes, innovative science, innovative education. The course is devoted to the analysis of specifics of innovative processes complex social philosophically and innovative activity, a research and assessment of development of modern innovative university, detection of regularities of formation of innovative education during an era of sociocultural modernization of society. Problems of a course are the analysis of university education through a philosophy history prism, disclosure modernist and postmodern concepts in a research of the idea of university. The course includes the following subjects: Idea of university as element of a philosophical discourse, Innovation and education, Postmodern philosophy of education, University values, Universities and policy, Universities and economy, etc.

Innovations and Innovative Activity As Social and Philosophical Phenomenon
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Aim оf discipline - detection of system, multilevel, global, exclusive nature of innovative processes, innovative science, innovative education. As a result of studying the discipline the PhD student will be able to: - to interpret the main theoretical maintenance of problems of the innovative sphere and innovative activity, including in structure of university education, the main concepts of a research of a phenomenon of innovations in the sphere of science and education, cross-disciplinary approaches and methodological installations in this sphere of researches, to have an idea of processes of innovative development and social innovations in the Republic of Kazakhstan; - analytically and critically to analyze the main concepts and approaches in the sphere of the analysis of problems of innovative development in modern society; to use modern social and philosophical methods of the analysis of innovative problems, processes and the phenomena in the social sphere and education; - estimates and comparisons of innovative processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan and other regions, identifications of impact of innovations on processes of economic, social development, modernization of society, and also reforming in education; - to show detailed understanding of the methods applied to scientific research and researches, understanding of current trends, directions and regularities of development of domestic philosophical science in the conditions of globalization and internationalization to have understanding spiritual participation of the person and the social world, existential and vital in inner world of the person. The course is devoted to the analysis of specifics of innovative processes complex social philosophically and innovative activity. Problems of a course: a research and assessment of development of modern innovative university, to detection of regularities of formation of innovative education during an era of sociocultural modernization of society. The course includes the following subjects: The nature and specifics of innovative activity, Specifics of the subject of innovative activity, Feature of philosophical idea of the innovative phenomena in science and philosophy of the 20th century, the Characteristic of an institutionalization of innovations and innovative activity, Priorities and advantages of innovative activity and innovative development, Methods of a research of innovative processes.

Islamic philosophy in the focus of the present: history, problems and prospects
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Aim оf discipline - Formation of the doctoral students of the idea of Islamic philosophy in the modern world. As a result of studying the discipline the PhD student will be able to: - to know the main points and ideas contained in Islamic philosophy, be able to include them in the context of world philosophy, contemporary problems of world development, dialogue between East and West. -be able to conduct discussions, hear opponents, own content and be able to represent his audience. Form a culture of philosophical communication through analysis and generalization of different points of view and theoretical positions using primary sources and reference to bibliographic literature. -to be able to work independently and creatively approach independent tasks, plan and organize scientific research, its search work, and create its bibliographic base. Discipline is a systematized knowledge of Islamic philosophy, its ideas and tendencies, its contribution to world philosophy. This course is a modern reading of Islamic philosophy, its theoretical origins and ideological basis, the main provisions; Understanding of the contribution to the world philosophy and vision of new development prospects. When studying the course, attention will be drawn to the primary sources and texts of the representatives of Islamic philosophy, as well as to the dialogue between East and West.

Methods and Principles Interdisciplinary Research in Socially-Humanitarian Knowledge
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Aim оf discipline - the analysis of the major tendencies in modern philosophical methodology connected with use of advantages of cross-disciplinary approach. As a result of studying the discipline the PhD student will be able to: - to prove the principles of the organization of research activity in the sphere social and the humanities, methods of scientific research, advantages of cross-disciplinary methodology. - to organize, plan and realize process of scientific research with use of advantages of cross-disciplinary methodology; - to work independently on fundamental, initiative and risk social and organizational and philosophical projects, definitions a context of a problem, a formulation of the research purpose and a task, justification of methodology and a technique of the project; - on the basis of the principles of the system analysis to build and use models for the description and forecasting of various phenomena, to carry out their qualitative and quantitative analysis; - to estimate and compare various theoretical concepts in the field of a research and to draw conclusions. The course is devoted to formation of methodological knowledge and skills of doctoral candidates in a question of the organization and carrying out problem-oriented scientific research, and also scientific researches on a joint of subject branches. The main objectives of the module include consideration of methods and the principles of cross-disciplinary researches in social and humanitarian knowledge, tendencies of formation of problem-oriented science and their methodological investigations. The course includes concrete subjects: the philosophical bases of modern science, cross-disciplinary researches in the sphere of humanitarian knowledge, methods, a ratio of humanitarian and natural-science knowledge of cross-disciplinary researches. The place and a role of philosophy in cross-disciplinary researches are in detail analyzed.

Modern philosophy of knowledge
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Formation of doctoral students' ideas about the nature of cognition, the main problems and concepts of epistemology. As a result of studying the discipline, the PhD student will be able to: - To know the basic question of philosophy, formulated as a question of the relation of thinking to being (what does it mean to know?) - know the prerequisites of knowledge, be able to see the boundaries of knowledge, to know the structure and levels of cognition. - form the skills of a scientist capable of being a leader in an intellectual environment, to entice others with his ideas, to master rhetorical abilities and to be able to work in a team of scientists. - to be able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, carry out the analysis of philosophical texts, inform the public about new philosophical research and ideas, be responsible for their work, its quality and organization, be disciplined, adaptive and mobile. Discipline is a theoretical course that, along with classical cognitive practices - sensational Lockean and "reflective" Marxist, Kantian unity of practical and theoretical reason, neo-Kantian "systematic", Popperian critical rationalism, also studies analytical philosophy - the most significant today, hermeneutic and phenomenological cognitive Practice. In the course of studying the discipline, such phenomena and "spheres" as obviousness, intentionality, meanings, interpretations and interpretations, temporality, current and life forms, life world, everyday life and others will be considered. The experience of the humanities and social sciences, essentially not taken into account by the traditional theory of cognition, is also very significant: the experience of philosophers who think in terms of the sociology of knowledge, social relations and structures, in the material of philology and the history of culture, which give birth in the "renewed problematization" a new paradigm of the humanities and philosophy knowledge.

Philosophy of Global Problems and Global Researches
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Aim оf discipline - studying of the urgent problems of the social and cultural spheres which arose in connection with universal globalization and need of the solution of crisis problems, raising the questions of identity, safety of society, transformation of cultures, spiritual survival and transformation, etc. As a result of studying the discipline the PhD student will be able to: - to synthesize the main theoretical maintenance of problems of global development, the main concepts, their cross-disciplinary contents, scientific and theoretical, methodological justification; - to interpret idea of the Kazakhstan processes, the phenomena of globalization and the corresponding researches; - to use necessary methods of a philosophical research and advantage of cross-disciplinary strategy of a research, to be able to carry out independent scientific research and to be competent of a formulation of the own scientific conclusions; - to show skills of wide use and use of knowledge of ways of global development of society, the practical analysis of problems of development of the Kazakhstan society in the conditions of globalization; - to show system understanding of features of development of modern world and Kazakhstan philosophy. This course will allow to introduce undergraduates in the problems of modern Western philosophy, and acquaint them with modern philosophical approaches, models and methods. To study this issue, we will consider the actual philosophical problems of the present day ontological, epistemological and ethical character. The course includes the following subjects: Genesis of ideas of a globalism in the 20th century, Global studies as independent area of researches, Methodological problems of a research of a phenomenon of globalization, Globalization as a sociocultural phenomenon. The main objective of discipline is the analysis of problems of a global challenge in aspect of prospects of development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Philosophy of Humanism
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Formation of ideas about the history and great mission of humanism, the study of the essence of humanism of our days, humanistic education in the issues of contemporary social, cultural and personal life. Demonstration of the humanistic core of modern social and humanitarian science, philosophy and culture. As a result of studying the discipline the PhD student will be able to: - to formulate priorities of formation of civil and personal qualities of the expert, citizen of the country. - to reconstruct a wide range of world outlook values. - to show skills of a free reflection. - development of the ability to understand and analyze positive and negative human qualities, ability to build your own worldview. Discipline is a specialized theoretical course that fosters the formation of civil and personal qualities of a specialist, a citizen of the country, introducing a wide range of worldview values. It is supposed that when studying the course, pay attention to the brightest representatives of the philosophy of humanism. Pay special attention to human use

Problems and Calls of Post-Modern Society
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Aim оf discipline - consideration of urgent problems of philosophy of a postmodernism and identification of possible ways of the analysis of a modern spiritual situation. As a result of studying the discipline the PhD student will be able to: - to determine the content and specifics of the main directions of post-modern philosophy, the principles of a research of culture and philosophy of a postmodern, its influence on the modern humanities; - to critically analyze, estimate and synthesize the new and difficult ideas in the field of modern philosophy - at the high scientific and pedagogical level to generalize and systematize scientific information, to have skills of use of the theoretical and methodological principles, a conceptual framework of the urgent philosophical directions within modern scientific paradigms; - to show skills of application of methods of humanitarian knowledge with use of advantages of cross-disciplinary methodology in the analysis of problems of modern philosophy and culture and carrying out theoretical and pilot scientific research. The main objective of a course is studying of problems and a tendency of development of post-modern philosophy which are ambiguously estimated in scientific and philosophical literature of the end of XX – the beginnings of the XXI century. It is aware also theoretical "conditions of a postmodern" in the 20th century are considered welfare. Definitions and interpretation of this phenomenon given by the most authoritative postmodernists, history of its formation are given. Ontologic existential transformations of modernist and postmodern culture reveal. The analysis of influence of a theoretical postmodernism on the modern social humanities is carried out

Science and Problems of Social Progress
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Formation of doctoral students' ideas about fundamental discoveries in social sciences, as well as the development of applied science and the development of projects for solving problems and their implementation. In addition, it is necessary to master the methodological and methodological aspects of the study of science and social progress. As a result of studying the discipline the PhD student will be able to: - to study modern problems of society and the prospects for its development, taking into account the analysis of the philosophical and scientific concepts of the historical process and social progress. - to know the philosophy of history and social philosophy to comprehend the laws of development and change of society, to justify and explain the progress or regress of mankind as a whole and in certain periods of its history. - to understand the essence of social progress, its criteria, the contradictions in the development of mankind and the different interpretation of progress by philosophical and scientific theories. Discipline is a theoretical course that forms the theoretical and methodological grounds for investigating the phenomenon of "social progress". In the course of studying the discipline, contemporary problems of society and the prospects for its development will be examined in terms of the philosophical and scientific concepts of the historical process and social progress. Also, to justify and explain the progress or regress of humanity in general and in certain periods of its history, comprehending the laws of development and changes in society. In the process of studying the discipline, the essence of social progress and its main criteria will be studied.

Social and Philosophical Aspects of the Human Capital
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Aim оf discipline - to submit the analysis of the human capital as factor of economic and political development of modern post-industrial society. As a result of studying the discipline the doctoral student will be able to: - identify the structure, types of human capital, its role in the development of the modern economy, methods of analyzing human potential; - analyze, evaluate and compare various theoretical concepts in the field of development of modern society and human capital; - analyze social situations, phenomena and processes from the standpoint of determining the logical and theoretical foundations and methodology of social and philosophical research; - be able to apply this knowledge to analyze the dynamics of social changes, modeling and forecasting social processes. The course is devoted to the analysis of the human capital as sets of knowledge, abilities, skills which are used for satisfaction of diverse needs of the person and society in general. Problems of a course include consideration of philosophical contents of modern concepts of economic development of society, a phenomenon research of "knowledge economy". Within a course philosophical and sociocultural aspects of the human capital in the conditions of globalization and formation of society of knowledge are considered.

Social and Philosophical Bases of A Phenomenon of Identity
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Aim оf discipline - analysis of a phenomenon of identity as most important cultural factor of social development. As a result of studying the discipline the PhD student will be able to: - to use methodology of the analysis of processes of "mastering" identity and the phenomenon of identity at all levels; - to gain a complete impression about information and communicative, cultural, ideological, spiritual, social influences on finding and development of identity, including in the Kazakhstan society; - to be able to do the qualified conclusions on complex problems in special areas, it is frequent in the conditions of lack of full data, to be able to state intelligibly the ideas and the conclusions, both for experts, and for nonspecialists; - to show skills of planning, coordinating and realization of processes of scientific research, the critical analysis, assessment and comparison of various scientific theories and the ideas in the sphere of the social analysis of problems of identity. The main objectives of a course is studying of problems of identity in modern philosophy, assessment to impact of globalization on development and preservation of identity, updating of cultural heritage and an exit from global crisis of the present. The discipline includes the analysis of processes of formation of national, political, personal forms of identity, values of identification processes in the context of globalization tendencies of the present, also special attention is paid to methodological aspects of a research of problems of identity.

Socio-Humanitarian Discourse in Contemporary Philosophy
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Aim оf discipline - Formation of ideas of the maintenance of a welfare perspective in philosophy and public life of Kazakhstan, the countries of the FSU and beyond. Development of methodological and methodical aspects of a research. As a result of studying the discipline the PhD student will be able to: - to study the maintenance of a welfare perspective in modern philosophy taking into account the latest opening and theoretical achievements of domestic and foreign philosophical science. - to master modern methods of a research of social and humanitarian subject in the context of global sociocultural transformations. - to study processes of genesis and formation of the person as identity and persons in the conditions of social development in the 21st century. - to seize ability of reconstruction of a concrete concept of the person on the basis of the modern calls mastered during studying of discipline, discourses and trends of social development. - to seize the methodological potential of philosophy of social and humanitarian knowledge. Discipline is a theoretical course on studying the content of socio-cultural problems in modern philosophy, taking into account the latest discoveries and theoretical achievements of domestic and foreign philosophical science, as well as the processes of genesis and the formation of man as an individual and personality in conditions of social development in the 21st century. When studying the discipline, special attention will be paid to the development of modern methods of studying social and humanitarian topics in the context of global sociocultural transformations.

Spiritual and scientific rationality in the philosophy of the Islamic East
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The goal of the course is the formation of a systematic knowledge of rationality in Islamic philosophy, its ideas and trends. This will allow us to produce a modern reading of Islamic philosophy, to study its theoretical origins and ideological foundations, the main provisions; Understanding of the contribution to the world philosophy and vision of new development prospects. As a result of studying the discipline, the PhD student will be able to: - to know the primary sources and contents of the texts of outstanding representatives of Islamic philosophy, the basic concepts and categories of the thinker's philosophy, and their modern interpretation. -form the skills of a scientist capable of being a leader in an intellectual environment, to entice others with his ideas, to master rhetorical abilities and to be able to work in a team of scientists. -to be able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, carry out the analysis of philosophical texts, inform the public about new philosophical research and ideas, be responsible for their work, its quality and organization, be disciplined, adaptive and mobile. Discipline is a theoretical course that forms a knowledge of the basic principles and ideas of Islamic philosophy and the ability to include them in the context of world philosophy, contemporary problems of world development, dialogue between East and West. In studying the course, special attention will be given to the study of primary sources and the content of texts of outstanding representatives of the spiritual and scientific rationality of Islamic philosophy, the basic concepts and categories of philosophy of thinkers, and their modern interpretation.

Spirituality and intellect in social-philosophical analysis
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Aim оf discipline - analysis of spirituality and mentality as the fundamental principle of man and his essence, the representation of spirituality as a multifaceted phenomenon from the point of view of social and philosophical analysis. As a result of studying the discipline the PhD student will be able to: - to interpret essence of spiritual bonds in society in historical, macrosocial, personal measurement; definition of spirituality and mentality as cultural, social, philosophical contexts Kazakhstan societies; - to estimate a condition intellectual and spiritual as factor of social reality and development of society and to be competent of a formulation of the own scientific conclusions; - to critically comprehend informative, social and political processes in the system «World-person», to independently analyze scientific and philosophical texts; - to reconstruct the teretichesky and methodological principles opening a role of spiritual bonds in culture and society, a philosophical discourse in the Kazakhstan spirituality and culture. The discipline acquaints doctoral candidates from spiritual participation of the person and the social world. The main objectives of a course are identifications spirituality as the basis of the person explaining his nature and life, a sociality; establishment the defining spirituality role in relation to society and its development; definition of value of spirituality for all human activity in mental, personal and individual and social plans. The course includes the following subjects: spiritual, creative and intellectual as priority anthropological and social. Intellectual and spiritual as factor of social reality and development of society. A role of spiritual bonds in culture and society. A philosophical discourse in the Kazakhstan spirituality and culture. Identification, cultural and social as spirituality form.

The Concept of Post-Industrial Society
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Formation of knowledge of the laws of the formation and development of postindustrial society, the properties and features of these processes, familiarity with the fundamentals of modern theories of post-industrial society; Peculiarities of post-industrial society as a stage of social development; Interdisciplinary analysis of socio-economic transformations related to the large-scale use of information and communication technologies in various fields of activity. As a result of studying the discipline the PhD student will be able to: - master the terminology associated with the theoretical and applied aspects of the theory of post-industrial society; - show deep knowledge about the features of post-industrial society in Kazakhstan; - apply the acquired material when considering the concepts of post-industrial society in the modern world; - to comprehend the connection of post-industrial society with other social phenomena; - apply the acquired knowledge in research work, when writing scientific articles and analytical materials. Discipline is a theoretical course that gives an idea of the main theses of modern theories of post-industrial society; Prerequisites and factors of the formation of a postindustrial society; Basic laws of the development of the information society; Characteristic of the information society, its connection with the previous types of societies; Opportunities of information and communication technologies for personal development and professional activity. It is supposed that when studying the course, pay attention to the analysis of the classification of the postindustrial society.

The Modern Philosophy of Conscience
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The course purpose - to gain complete idea of system of approaches and methods in modern philosophy of consciousness in the context of cognitive, social and cultural interpretation. As a result of studying the discipline the PhD student will be able to: - to reason the main, approaches, "forms", contexts, foreshortenings and aspects of a research of urgent problems of consciousness in modern philosophy and science; the main sources of transformation and development of problems of consciousness in modern philosophy and science; - with deep arguments and evidential to compare theoretically and methodologically diverse philosophical concepts of consciousness in their ontologic, social, anthropological, humanitarian, psychological, scientific, methodological and another dimensions; - to compare the main philosophical concepts of consciousness and judgments of consciousness; - to estimate consciousness problems in the context of change of priorities of development of scientific knowledge, including natural-science; and humanitarian platforms. The course is devoted to one of urgent problems of philosophy which gained modern development in connection with cardinal transformation of the dominating scientific paradigm of judgment of a phenomenon of consciousness, including within philosophical estimates and the theory. Problems of a course: to open historical and philosophical evolution of philosophy of consciousness and its universal value in structure of philosophical knowledge; to characterize a problem context of development of philosophy of consciousness; to acquaint doctoral candidates with current trends of development of modern philosophy of consciousness. The following subjects enter the maintenance of a course: Genesis of philosophical ideas of consciousness in the 20th century, Cognitive characteristics of the main levels of consciousness, consciousness Philosophy in the second half of the XX century: "linguistic prospects", cognitive approaches, psychological contexts of development, Domestic philosophical tradition in a research of problems of subjective reality.

Tolerance Phenomenon in Modern Philosophical Thought
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Aim оf discipline - studying of the major social phenomenon – tolerance, defining specifics and criteria of the social relations, interpersonal communication, valuable regulation, the content of educational processes of cultural interactions, political changes, public transformations, etc. As a result of studying the discipline the doctoral PhD will be able to: - to make complex historical, system idea of a tolerance phenomenon; - to compare the tolerance phenomena in different types of society and culture, to seize methods of social and philosophical assessment of tolerant behavior and the relation in society. - carrying out the professional and comprehensive analysis of problems of tolerance with use of advantages of philosophical methodology; - to analyze social situations, the phenomena and processes from a position of definition of the logical and theoretical bases and methodology of a philosophical research of society; - to apply the gained knowledge to the analysis of dynamics of social changes, modeling and forecasting of social processes. Contents of a course: introduction to history, theory and practice of tolerance; definition of the theoretical and methodological bases of a research of a phenomenon of tolerance; tolerance representation as cross-disciplinary object. The course includes the following subjects: Social and economic and political factors of formation of tolerance, the principles of tolerance in social and interpersonal interactions, a tolerance role in the context of modern social transformations and formation of a global civilization.

Urban society: cultural and philosophical analysis
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Aim оf discipline - analysis and philosophical to assessment of modern concepts of the city as cultural and historical phenomenon. As a result of studying the discipline the PhD student will be able to: - to generalize features of development of the main theories of philosophy of the city in a context the modern post-modernist of philosophy, to represent city society as specific subject of the social and philosophical analysis; - to use necessary methods of a philosophical research and advantage of cross-disciplinary strategy of a research, to be able to carry out independent scientific research and to be competent of a formulation of the own scientific conclusions; - to apply skills of critical judgment of informative, social and political processes in the World person system, the independent analysis of scientific and philosophical texts. Problems of a course include formation of system vision of the city as forms of sociocultural life of the person, the analysis of a problem of the city in the history of philosophy, disclosure of processes of an urbanization in the world and in Kazakhstan. The course gives an idea of development of the main theories of philosophy of the city in a context by the modern post-modernist of philosophy. Represents city society as specific subject of the social and philosophical analysis.

Data for 2021-2024 years


  • Type of control - Защита практики
  • Description - Aim оf discipline: formation of the ability to carry out educational activities in universities, to design the educational process and conduct certain types of training sessions using innovative educational technologies.

  • Type of control - Защита практики
  • Description - The purpose of the practice: gaining experience in the study of an actual scientific problem, expand the professional knowledge gained in the learning process, and developing practical skills for conducting independent scientific work. The practice is aimed at developing the skills of research, analysis and application of economic knowledge.

Data for 2021-2024 years