PhD program
Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages

Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages


  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


ON1 Develop the methodology of the modern paradigm of foreign language education, foreign language teaching, ensuring originality, novelty and validity of research results.
ON2 To provide applied aspects of foreign language teaching on the basis of critical analysis of approaches in foreign language education, the results of which are presented in publications at national/international level, to contribute to the expansion of the boundaries of the scientific field.
ON3 Conduct lectures and practical classes in theoretical and professional disciplines taking into account modern trends in foreign language education using digital technologies and innovative, interactive, personality-oriented teaching methods in order to develop students’ creativity, critical thinking and cognitive activity.
ON4 Develop curricula, author's courses, textbooks, teaching aids, methodological recommendations for practical classes and independent work in foreign language teaching, developing various assessment tools.
ON5 Conduct methodological, didactic and linguistic experiments in foreign language teaching methodology, analysing the results of the experiments to enhance foreign language teaching.
ON6 Organize scientific, project and academic-professional activities of students in Bachelor's and Master’s degree programmes.
ON7 Specify communicative barriers, adequate and inadequate, verbal and non-verbal components of intercultural communication in order to provide solutions to problems that hinder effective communication based on knowledge of the socio-psychological foundations of foreign language education.
ON8 Develop programmes on youth policy and unified state policy in the sphere of education and development of the educational process based on monitoring of subordinate educational institutions.
ON9 Apply various methods of analysing foreign languages in practice in different spheres of society.
ON10 Coordinate the work of the education administration on foreign language education, in the development of activities in education, state and non-state institutional institutions, taking into account different opinions based on knowledge of foreign language education.
ON11 Create multilingual lexicographic and teaching products for different segments of the population by developing mobile applications for foreign language education using digital technologies.
ON12 Present the results of teaching and research activities in scientific publications of different genres, doctoral theses, research and scientific projects, etc. to both specialists and non-specialist audiences.

Program passport

Speciality Name
Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages
Speciality Code


Academic writing
  • Number of credits - 2
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: To develop competence in written scientific communication, the ability to write and edit texts in accordance with the norms of academic communication. The course forms the ability to create scientific texts of different genres: dissertation, annotations, scientific articles, argumentation (analytical) essays, justification of research and review, philological comments, etc.

Contrastive Linguistics
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: to form the ability to analyze metalanguage and the features of contrastive linguistics for foreign language education. The discipline is focused on the study: the specifics of the contrasting v.s. comparative linguistics, categorical and methodological apparatus, error analysis, identifying similarities / differences between language units, types of interlanguage correspondences, congruence / equivalence, lacunarity / nonequivalence, patterns and principles of contrastive linguistics in teaching and scientific communication.

Methodology of Modern Paradigm of Foreign Language Education
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The aim of the discipline: to form the ability to systematically characterise, evaluate the methodology of foreign language education. The discipline is aimed at studying the methodology of the modern paradigm of foreign language education, the state, prospects of development of the national system of foreign language education in modern conditions, domestic/international standard model of foreign language education, principles of the theory of cognition, specificity, characteristics of methodological principles, concepts, categories, types of pedagogical paradigms in the formation of foreign language education.

PhD thesis writing and defence
  • Number of credits - 12
  • Type of control - Докторская диссертация
  • Description - The main purpose of "PhD thesis writing and defence": of a doctoral dissertation is the formation of the doctoral students' ability to disclose the content of research work for the defense of the thesis. During the study of course, doctoral student's should be competent in: 1. to substantiate the content of new scientifically grounded theoretical and experimental results that allow to solve a theoretical or applied problem or are a major achievement in the development of specific scientific directions; 2. explain the assessment of the completeness of the solutions to the tasks assigned, according to the specifics of the professional sphere of activity; 3. they can analyze alternative solutions for solving research and practical problems and assess the prospects for implementing these options; 4. apply the skills of writing scientific texts and presenting them in the form of scientific publications and presentations. 5. to plan and structure the scientific search, clearly highlight the research problem, develop a plan / program and methods for its study, formalize, in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Establishment, the scientific and qualification work in the form of a thesis for a scientific degree Doctor of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on specialty «8D07502 – Standardization and certification (by industry)». During the study of the discipline doctoral student will learn following aspects: Registration of documents for presentation of the thesis for defense. Information card of the dissertation and registration-registration card (in the format Visio 2003). Extract from the minutes of the meeting of the institution, in which the preliminary defense of the thesis took place. Cover letter to the Higher Attestation Commission. Expert conclusion on the possibility of publishing the author's abstract. Expert opinion on the possibility of publishing a dissertation. Minutes of the meeting of the counting commission. Bulletin for voting. A shorthand record of the meeting of the dissertational council. List of scientific papers. Response of the official opponent. A review of the leading organization. The recall of the scientific adviser.

Scientific Research methods
  • Number of credits - 3
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The aim of the discipline - develop the ability to describe and evaluate the main types of philological research methods. The training course forms a theoretical and methodological basis for conducting research according to their types. The discipline is aimed at studying: specifics of methods of scientific philological research.

Data for 2021-2024 years


Comparative Linguistic Typology
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Aim оf the discipline: to systematize knowledge of languages with typological marks, phonetic, morphological, lexical, syntactic levels and features. Expected results: – to study the historical structure and trends of linguistic typology. studying another discipline that is the special solution for the recognition of domestic and foreign language – typological analysis of the Kazakh Russian and other languages – able to make basic comparative typology of Kazakh and Russian, Kazakh and English on different language levels. – the ability to combine the structure of languages of different types, and identify common and special features of the respective languages. Abstract оf the discipline. The discipline is focused on studying the following issues: linguistic typology of linguistics, "linguistic typology" is the content of the term, the abundance of languages in the world, linguistic comparativism, form of typology and place in linguistics, methods of typology, the concept of language types, the language-etalon, classification of typology, classical (traditional) and the structural typology.

Contact Theory and the Acquisition of Foreign Languages
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Aim оf discipline is to form basic concepts and terms of Theory of Contactology. As a result of mastering the discipline, the doctoral student is able to: – to apply this knowledge when discussing the main problems of the topic: causes, ways and linguistic borrowing mechanisms (direct / mediated, internationalism, derivational and semantic chalking; conditions of occurrence and types of bilingualism (natural, artificial, coordinated, subordinate, functional); – to illustrate phonetic, grammatical, derivational and semantic adaptation of lexical borrowings with your own examples; analyze specific situations of natural and artificial bilingualism; – to form intercultural competence as the ability and readiness for successful bilateral communication with representatives of other linguocultural communities; – to analyze own and foreign speech behavior in native or foreign languages; – independently replenish and deepen linguistic knowledge, improve their knowledge of the norms of foreign languages; Abstract оf the discipline. Discipline is aimed at studying: the mechanisms of language contact, interaction of two or more languages under certain socio-historical conditions, extra-linguistic factors and actual linguistic processes.

Foreign Linguistics in the Practice of Teaching Foreign Languages
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The aim of the discipline: to systematise knowledge of the history of the study of foreign language teaching problems in foreign linguistics. The discipline is aimed at studying: hypotheses, trends, periods of development, new concepts, methods of teaching foreign languages in foreign linguistics, the main provisions of foreign scientists on the theory of speech acts, parameters of sociolinguistics, lexicostatistics, applied linguistics, inclusive education, comparative study of foreign language teaching methods.

Sociocultural Theories of Learning Foreign Languages
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The goal is to provide a theoretical and methodological justification for the interdependence of social and linguistic structures, considering consistently the links: language-human, language-personality, language-society, language-ethnos, nation, language-state. As a result of studying the discipline, the master student will be able to: - to interpret deep system knowledge about the changes taking place in modern language; - to critically examine the problems, approaches and trends in the development of sociolinguistics, - to have an idea of the subject of sociolinguistics, to operate with the conceptual categories of its apparatus, - apply basic sociolinguistic theories and practices, the most productive methods of analysis; - to build methodological bases of an estimation of a condition of social science in connection with occuring extralinguistic processes in a society with the purpose of their application in practice of the description of own supervision on investigated themes in master's dissertations; - development of students ' ability to scientifically substantiate certain linguistic phenomena and establish historical links between them.

Theory and Practice of Language Acquisition: First and Second Foreign Languages
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The aim of the discipline: to form the ability to analyse the basics of the theory and practice of learning languages. The discipline is aimed at studying the methodological foundations of foreign language acquisition, the principles of their teaching as systems, differentiation of units of phonetic-phonological, morphemic, syntactic levels, technology of their teaching, methods of identification of oral/written texts, regularities of their functioning in the practice of foreign language teaching and inclusive education.

Theory of Intercultural Communication
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Aim оf discipline: The purpose of the discipline is the formation of ideas about the principles, tasks and essence of intercultural communications, the development of the ability to solve the basic problems of organizing the communication process in the multicultural environment, and the familiarization with the main problems of intercultural communications in modern conditions. Expected results: – demonstrate the ability to manage conflict situations, use constructive tactics to resolve conflicts in professional activities – ability to navigate in modern conflictology issues; – possession of various methods of resolving conflict situations in the design of interpersonal, group and organizational communications based on modern technologies of personnel management, including in the intercultural environment; – to analyze modern models and practices of forming a leader existing in the space of intercultural management; – the ability to compare and contrast the differences between classical business etiquette and modern rules of good communication in business communications. Abstract оf the discipline. The discipline is focused on studying the following issues: Intercultural communication as a discipline, methodological principles of intercultural communication, the concept, essence and role of national culture in international business, Intercultural communications and the factors affecting theme, ethical aspects of intercultural communication, ethnocentrism, xenophobia, stereotypes and prejudices, cultural shock and typical communication errors. Cultural shock and typical communication errors. Verbal and non-verbal communication, their relationship with culture. Increase the effectiveness of communications.

Data for 2021-2024 years


  • Type of control - Защита практики
  • Description - Aim оf discipline: formation of the ability to carry out educational activities in universities, to design the educational process and conduct certain types of training sessions using innovative educational technologies.

  • Type of control - Защита практики
  • Description - The purpose of the practice: gaining experience in the study of an actual scientific problem, expand the professional knowledge gained in the learning process, and developing practical skills for conducting independent scientific work. The practice is aimed at developing the skills of research, analysis and application of economic knowledge.

Data for 2021-2024 years