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- Master degree program
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- Personality and Organizational Psychology
Personality and Organizational Psychology
- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Social Sciences
1. Demonstrate conceptual knowledge and understanding of domestic and foreign classical and modern theoretical and methodological, applied, sectoral approaches of social sciences and humanities for use in psychological activities (production area, banking sector, public serviceand Law enforcement agencies and departments, the field of education, service sector).
2. Have a holistic vision of organizational-psychological and personal theories and concepts, theoretical and methodological foundations of psychology, principles of psychological diagnostics, counseling, consulting, correction, training, coaching, psychoprophylactic and organizational-managerial work in the field of organizational psychology.
3. Diagnose socio-psychological, organizational and personal problems with subsequent mathematical and statistical data processing, interpretation and preparation
4. Implement psychological support of the organizational process for the purpose of high-quality psychological selection, assessment, training, motivation and development of personnel.
5. Possess the skills of psychological analysis of various organizational problems; patterns of joint activities of people to achieve organizational goals; specifics of human mental functioning in the conditions of modern social reality.
6. Implement the use of innovative educational technologies, active methods of training and development; psychological procedures for organizing control and successful interaction with students.
7. Apply procedures for providing psychological assistance to individuals and groups using modern psychotechnologies based on a tolerant perception of social, ethnic, religious and cultural differences.
8. Use in practice the main achievements and trends in the development of organizational psychology aimed at preventing stress, emotional burnout, maintaining and strengthening mental and psychological health.
9. Reasonably present the results of research activities and experimental psychological research based on modern assessment tools and research methods.
10. Develop programs for professional development and training of personnel, leadership formation, development of corporate culture and microclimate of the organization, constructive resolution of interpersonal organizational conflicts.
11. Implement methods and methods of providing assistance to an individual in an organization, taking into account the peculiarities of age stages, development crises and risk factors, his belonging to gender, ethnic, professional and other social groups.
12. To build effective communication and group work in a professional context, based on knowledge of languages, philosophical and psychological principles of interaction, management, group dynamics, group formation, team development.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years