- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Pedagogical Sciences
LO 1. To use the obtained knowledge in the field of biology for setting and solving new problems of educational biology;
LO 2. To use modern pedagogical theories, didactic principles of teaching biology.
LO 3. To use innovative and interactive technologies, methods, means and forms of organization of teaching biological disciplines in educational process.
LO 4. To organize inclusive education in biology for students with special educational needs (SEN); develop an individual educational route/organizational technologies for students with special educational needs, including when teaching natural sciences.
LO 5. Systematically present programs for planning, organizing and practical implementation of educational activities for certain types of training sessions (laboratory, practical and seminar sessions) in biological disciplines in educational organizations.
LO 6. To manage a team in the field of education, selecting a qualified teaching staff, evaluating the quality indicators of education; participate in the corporate governance system of Higher and postgraduate education Organizations and interact with their stakeholders.
LO 7. To manage the research work of students, formulating the goals and objectives of scientific research, choosing the appropriate methodology, independently analyzing the available information, solving fundamental problems or identifying the new fundamental problems, to equip the classrooms and laboratories with modern equipment.
LO 8. To use the concepts of biological Sciences for the formation of scientific and pedagogical outlook.
LO 9. To apply modern computer technologies (IT) in educational training, in knowledge control, in the collection, storage, processing, analysis and transmission of experimental biological information for subsequent solution of problems in the field of biology, independently mastering new information technologies; master AI and use it only in authorized areas in education: analysis of student behavior, personalization of the learning process, proctoring (control of on-line exam or testing), checking the level of knowledge and work of students, conducting research, etc.
LO 10. To perform the pilot and experimental biological research, including the use of advanced pedagogical experience, at solving specific problems with using modern equipment, being responsible for the quality of work and the scientific reliability of the obtained results; follow ethical standards when conducting scientific research.
LO 11. To carry out in practice the integration of sciences, using data from related sciences for themselves professional purposes.
LO 12. To build the professional relationships with colleagues and management taking into account sociocultural differences between people, with flexible adaptation to non-standard situations that occur at work; to guide by values such as professionalism, innovation, creativity, meritocracy, integrity.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years