Master degree program



  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Pedagogical Sciences


ON1. To plan and conduct the practical training lessons using modern learning technologies in accordance with the current tasks of the educational system;
ON2. To develop plans for various educational activities as a tutor-advisor, to initiate friendly interaction between students and the team based on the principles of corporate ethics and pedagogical tact;
ON3. To develop student business projects and present research results in various scientific communities;

ON4. To conduct the scientific research of the psychological aspects of teaching and to determine the effectiveness of their implementation in the educational process;
ON5. To model and analyze the physical processes using modern means of applied software and to describe them in scientific, pedagogical and educational works;
ON6. To develop the methodology for constructing an algorithm for solving the physical problems based on the integration of the latest achievements in the methodology of teaching physics into the educational process;
ON7. To formulate tasks related to the modern scientific and pedagogical problems in the field of teaching of physics;
ON8. To experiment with effective pedagogical methods at improving learning outcomes as a curriculum designer;
ON9. To develop the methodology for involving employers, representatives of professional associations, scientific organizations, and foreign partners in the educational process and to develop students' skills to participate in establishing contacts with foreign partners.
ON10. To develop the educational and methodological recommendations for conducting, monitoring, and evaluating various types of training lessons; as well as to participate in business projects in the field of education by physics;
ON11. To use the physical laws for solution the applied and situational problems and to evaluate the effectiveness of their application in the educational process;
ON12. To adapt the traditional teaching methods to the practice of applying various forms and methods of innovative teaching of physics.

Program passport

Speciality Name
Speciality Code
of Physics and Technology


Active methods in educational technologies
  • Number of credits - 9
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: to form the ability to apply and improve active methods of teaching physics in educational technologies as a cognitive motivation. Discipline summary: the active methods of teaching physics, including simulation and non-simulation methods; prototypes for testing specific tasks; business and motivational nature of the conducting of lessons in physics

Actual Problems of Modern Physics
  • Number of credits - 6
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline to form the ability to interpret fundamental physical theories and laws, to analyze current problems of modern physics. Discipline summary: the formation of a holistic view of the history of the development of modern physics, its basic laws and principles, the limits of applicability of fundamental physical theories and their practical application.

Foreign Language (professional)
  • Number of credits - 6
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline is to form practical skills in various types of speech activity in a foreign language. The training course builds the ability to perceive, understand and translate information in the modern global space, participate in scientific events to test their own research. The discipline is aimed at improving competencies in accordance with international standards of foreign language education.

History and Philosophy of Science
  • Number of credits - 3
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline is to be considered on the basis of historical dynamics and in a historically changing socio - cultural context. Introduces the problems of the phenomenon of Science, which is a subject of special philosophical analysis, forms knowledge about the history and theory of Science, the laws of the development of Science and the structure of scientific knowledge, the features of science as a specialty and social institution, the role of Science in the development of society.

Modern methods of teaching in High Education Schools
  • Number of credits - 6
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline to form the ability to conduct classes in physics in universities based on student-centered and project-oriented approaches that are characteristic of modern teaching methods. Discipline summary: reforms in the system of higher education; promising modern and traditional methods of teaching physics at the university, the possibility of strategic planning of the educational process; advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of credit technology, ways to adapt the credit system in the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Organization and Planning of Scientific Research (in English)
  • Number of credits - 6
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline to form the ability to apply practical skills in the organization and planning of scientific research. The discipline studies: forms and methods of planning, organization and design of scientific articles and dissertations; forms of summarizing the results of scientific research in presentations, speeches, projects, articles.

Pedagogy of Higher education
  • Number of credits - 3
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose is the formation of the ability of pedagogical activity through the knowledge of higher education didactics, theories of upbringing and education management, analysis, and self-assessment of teaching activities. The course covers the educational activity design of specialists, Bologna process implementation, acquiring a lecturer, and curatorial skills by TLA-strategies.

Psychology of Management
  • Number of credits - 3
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The course reveals the subject, the basic principles of management psychology, personality in managerial interactions, personal behavior management, psychology of managing group phenomena and processes, psychological characteristics of the leader's personality, individual management style, psychology of influence in management activities, conflict management.

Data for 2022-2025 years


Computer Technologies in Physical Sciences and Education
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: to form the ability to practice knowledge on the application of computer technology in the field of education; to create the computer physical models. Discipline summary: the computer and multimedia technologies, information processing methods using electronic resources, virtual laboratories.

Entrepreneurship in Education and Physical Science
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: to form the system of knowledge about the organizational foundations of entrepreneurship in education, necessary for subsequent successful practical work in the field of physical science and educational activities. Discipline summary: the educational standards and the organizational, legal mechanisms for ensuring and regulating entrepreneurship in the field of physics and education, directions for the commercialization of educational and scientific activities.

Interdisciplinary connections of Physics
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: to form the ability to practice knowledge of interdisciplinary connections in teaching physics to achieve their internal unity. Discipline summary: the interdisciplinary connections of physics with other subjects and ways of their implementation in the education system.

Methodical planning of the course “Physics”
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: to form the ability to develop educational and methodological activities of various nature and adapt them to the learning environment. Discipline summary: the features of the multilingual didactic environment, the structure and design of the educational and methodological complex in teaching physics in multilevel educational institutions; the methods of adaptation and communication of the teacher and methodologist in society.

Methodology of Physical Experiments in HES
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: to form the ability to practice the methodology of conducting a physical experiment in the university. Discipline summary: the main methods of conducting a modern physical experiment at a university and their classification, including the possibility of its virtualization; an objective assessment of the material and technical equipment of physical laboratories.

Methods of Computer Simulation of Physical Processes
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: to form skills to apply computer modeling techniques when studying physical processes. Discipline summary: the numerical methods in physics, software packages and algorithms for solving physical problems; basic methods for creating computer models for the implementation of physical processes; evaluation of their performance.

Modern technologies for online teaching of physics
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: to form the ability for online teaching of physics as an obligatory element of modern education in higher educational institutions. Discipline summary: the modern technologies for online teaching of physics; models of interaction between e-learning and distance learning; organizational and methodological aspects of the implementation of distance learning in physics in universities.

The assessing methods of knowledge and skills for physics learning control
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: to form the ability to differentiate theoretical knowledge of assessment methods and implement them in the educational process. Discipline summary: the methods for assessing and monitoring learning outcomes, Dublin descriptors, competencies generated; feedback evaluation criteria.

Data for 2022-2025 years


  • Type of control - Защита практики
  • Description - Formation of practical, educational-methodical skills of conducting lectures, seminars, creatively apply scientific, theoretical knowledge, practical skills in teaching activities, conduct training sessions in the disciplines of the specialty; own modern professional techniques, methods of training, use in practice the latest theoretical, methodological advances, make educational, methodological documentation.

  • Type of control - Защита практики
  • Description - The purpose of the practice: gaining experience in the study of an actual scientific problem, expand the professional knowledge gained in the learning process, and developing practical skills for conducting independent scientific work. The practice is aimed at developing the skills of research, analysis and application of economic knowledge.

Data for 2022-2025 years