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- Master degree program
- Educational programs
- Computer Science
Computer Science
- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Рedagogical Sciences
Upon completion of this educational program, it is expected that undergraduates will be able to:
ON1.explain innovative strategies for the development of education and integrative processes in the system of scientific knowledge, which forms various areas of computer science and computer science teaching methods;
ON2. apply modern techniques and technologies for organizing and implementing the educational process at various educational levels;
ON3. to design the educational content of the disciplines, to create teaching methods based on the competence-based approach, innovative technologies in education;
ON4. apply information technology to systematize and control the assimilation of educational material;
ON5. to develop educational material for creating digital educational resources, to compile scenarios for training, controlling, simulator training centers;
ON6.develop modern means of informatization of educational activities using the capabilities of multimedia and network technologies;
ON7. work with tools for knowledge representation and processing, as well as with applied intellectual systems;
ON8. to set and solve applied problems in the field of education using mobile, smart technologies;
ON9. apply cloud technology tools and services for processing, sharing, storing and sharing information;
ON10. develop software of different levels of complexity using modern methods of object-oriented, system and parallel programming;
ON11. integrate the knowledge of theories of scientific schools, conduct experimental research activities, prepare scientific publications, scientific public speeches and their use in professional activities.
ON12. work in a team, own social and ethical values based on social and legal norms and tolerance to various cultural and confessional traditions, use language knowledge for communication in the multilingual and multicultural society of the Republic of Kazakhstan and in the international arena.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years