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- Master degree program
- Educational programs
- Management in Education
Management in Education
- Profile direction - Master of Business and Management
1. possesses psychological techniques for managing a team, involving staff, and resolving conflict situations;
2. designs administrative and management activities based on the analysis of factors related to the self-development and self-organization of the educational system;
3. uses regulatory acts and organizational-methodological foundations of school management, taking into account modern requirements and principles of educational organization development;
4. organizes public speaking and negotiation processes, including using modern business communication tools and a foreign language;
5. applies effective leadership technologies to achieve organizational goals and develop personal leadership qualities;
6. develops indicators for assessing the quality of school education to compare and analyze its regulatory, resource, and personnel support;
7. diagnoses the needs and state of the educational organization for conducting independent scientific research and research projects.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years