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- Master degree program
- Educational programs
- Quality Management in Healthcare
Quality Management in Healthcare
- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Medical Sciences
1. Use the provisions and categories of the philosophy of science to analyze and evaluate the main worldview problems, incl. interdisciplinary nature that arise in science at the present stage of development
2. Implement the pedagogical and psychological skills of higher ed-ucation in practice, analyze and evaluate new methods of teaching, learning and assessment for further use in teaching, including in a foreign language
3. Apply psychological methods of influence and means of commu-nication to manage human resources and resolve conflict situations in healthcare and constantly develop professional skills and critical thinking skills
4. Implement the latest strategies for planning, organizing technolo-gy to manage and improve the quality of care in healthcare organi-zations
5. Show leadership in promoting social and interdisciplinary innova-tion in healthcare organizations to improve the healthcare system
6. Apply management tools and methods in the organization of medical care and use the principles of project management to devel-op quality in healthcare
7. Use the methodology of scientific research when working with scientific databases to analyze, evaluate the results of scientific re-search and to predict possible risks and ways to solve research prob-lems
8. Process and interpret statistical data using modern digital tech-nologies when analyzing the quality of medical services and re-search in healthcare
9. Analyze the financial and economic activities of a medical organ-ization necessary to make informed decisions to improve the quality of medical services and assess the current and prospective financial condition of the enterprise
10. Own the tools and methods of continuous quality management, monitor the assessment of the quality of medical care provided and the safety of patients in the healthcare system, including through the accreditation system
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years